8.0.8 Patch release

Added by Editor over 1 year ago


This is regular patch release.


Bug #125 - Do not reload server when it is shutdown (normally)
Bug #149 - Remove "<respawncheck>" for samples and docs
Bug #202 - reloadonchange starts max count of services
Support #448 - xadmin sreload invalid error message
Bug #738 - Ignore error in case if cannot read file from FIELDTBLS and continue with next file
Bug #789 - For UBF buffers: TPSVCINFO field "len" is set to 0
Feature #792 - Add "-o" (for stdout) for the XATMI servers, at the ATMI_SERVER_SYSTEM_OPTIONS
Bug #794 - ubf user type convert functions might core dump on doubles which representation is larger than 63 symbols
Support #795 - tpadm T_CLIENT class does not report dead clients
Bug #796 - JSON functions used in Enduro/X might incorrectly process large long fields
Bug #798 - Enduro/X might double start processes if they failed to reload for some reason (i.e. not killed in time) and <end_max>*<sanity time> is higher than <srvstopwait>
Bug #799 - Conversational API (tpconnect()) may corrupt XATMI server memory
Bug #801 - Blen documentation
Support #802 - ndebug.h shall use "const char *" for paramers which are const
Support #806 - ndrxd sanitiy scan timing precision

Decommissioned/EOL builds: AIX 7.1, MacOS OS X El Capitian, Raspbian 10, FreeBSD 11
New build systems added: Ubuntu 22.04, Oracle Linux 9, Raspbian 11, FreeBSD 13

Release package naming have been streamlined. Key changes:
- RHEL/Oracle Linux/Centos packages contains “el<version>” identifier
- SUSE Linux packages now contain “sl<version>” identifier
- PowerPC architecture now is named after “ppc64”
- All package name is in lower case

Release availability

See https://www.mavimax.com/downloads
