- Registered on: 08/05/2024
- Last connection: 10/30/2024
Reported issues: 0
- 12:38 AM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: RE: buildserver error
- I see. Thank you very much for your interaction and help.
- 12:00 AM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: RE: buildserver error
- Yeah, I tried compiling without the 't', and it worked. So, I’ll need to keep all my function names limited to 30 cha...
- 11:42 PM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: RE: buildserver error
- I tried both of the solutions you mentioned, but neither worked. However, I noticed that buildserver is truncating th...
- 11:38 AM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: RE: buildserver error
- hello yes it is, here is my .iecc_agent.cfg:
> IECC_CMD:IECC_CMD_TraiterCommande
> IECC_RCD:IECC_RCD_TraitementAc... - Hello everyone,
I'm currently in the process of migrating from Oracle Tuxedo to Endurox. During compilation of the...
- 01:42 PM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X development: RE: TMS_ORA server does want to start (died)
- i didnt create users.
here is the content of xa_NULL08072024.trc :
ORACLE XA: Version RM name = 'Or... - 12:58 PM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X development: RE: TMS_ORA server does want to start (died)
- here is my TMS_ORA1.14.log:
- Hi !
am trying to migrate a the an application from tuxedo to endurox whene i execute the xadmin start i got this re... - I’m working on an exercise to migrate a Tuxedo application to make it functional with Enduro/X. The application I’ve ...
- 01:59 AM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X development: RE: tperror=6:TPENOENT Service is not available TOUPPER by shm
- it was my fault, I forgot to include the service advertisement in the build server command. (--_--)
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